Classical long-term benefits programs, such as pensions and pensions, are becoming increasingly uncertain and less profitable, resulting in massive dissatisfaction and harm to people who need these benefits. Greenish Coin ( then emerged as a cleaner and clearer financial alternative to receive cash every month. The project promises to revolutionize and completely change the way people see what it is to save and / or invest, creating a safer financial future for mankind.

Greenish coin GREE offer easy, safe, protected and internationally reachable investment. The platform allow fund managers to use fiat currencies (eg. USD, Euros, Dollars, Chinese Yuan, etc.), Bitcoin and Ethereum to invest in Greenish coin GREE resources. The assets created in this blockchain Platform can be exchange and transfer of value within the Greenish coin GREE platform. The target market on those people who belongs to pension & retirement and who are interested increasing their crypto currency asset. The monthly allowance is an asset made in the blockchain platform, Greenish GREE publishes twenty million offering to people an invaluable tool, where companies or institutions that operate pension funds for investments can benefit from a blockchain based platform. platforms allow investors to pool their money and achieve better investment returns. The Greenish will look at how platforms compete in practice and whether they use their bargaining power to get investors a good deal.Investors submit requests to participate in the platform to developers. Developers will leverage investment funds to develop the gaming business structure. Greenish Games Rewards is an online platform bringing game developers and players together in a bid to make better games. The gamer can test a game and communicate with a game developer on what they need to improve the game. The developer is later able to release the game as a positively reviewed game. The Greenish coin allow gamers to earn profit from in-game and social activities, and other gamers’ payments as well. By joining The Greenish coin, developers will shrink their marketing expenses and receive an extra income from referral payments made in other games on the platform. Games Rewards platform has the following features:

  • Uses blockchain technology
  • Easily accessible
  • Support game developers
  • Rewards

GREENISH COIN are a priority internal mechanism for interaction on The GREENISH platform. Earnings from referral and motivational programs are paid in GREENISH tokens. The majority of internal services rely on GREENISH tokens only. Benefit for market performance of digital currencies are :
  • Lower transaction fee
  • No chargebacks
  • Faster receipt of fund than through legacy financial institutions
  • No inflation
  • Greater trust with custumers
  • Win over a dedicated loyal group of digital community enthusiast
  • Make it easier for internatinonal customers to do business
These are the benefits that can exist for businesses that embrace this new and vast-growing technology. Allowances are generally calculated on total coins at your wallet. A sum of allowances paid regularly to a user, typically to meet specified needs or expenses. The investment volume through.

Allowances varied across countries with the largest standards of invested assets in USD located in North America (USA and Canada), Western Europe (United Kingdom, Netherlands and Switzerland), Australia and Japan (OECD, 2016). Globally there are different organizations in bonuses and allowances asset management with some countries like Tanzania having all her fund managed by public entities to Chile where the entire fund is privately managed. Unlikely pension & retirement fund managers, as well as companies that withhold funds to people for their Retirement Account do not have a tool that accepts the major currencies like Dollars, Euros and convert them into virtual currencies easily, securely and automatically. Such technical obstacle expressively shrinks the access of most of people fund managers from retrieving the crypto currency linked investment opportunity which offers a investment returns compared to other asset class. Greenish coin platform is designed to explicitly solvethis problem and act as a bridge between people fund managers and the crypto investment world.
Token Distribution

  • Token ticker: GREE
  • Total token supply: 500,000,000 (500 MILLION)
  • Token for sale: 200,000,000 (200 MILLION)
  • List price of GREE COIN, 1 GREE = $0.10
  • Soft cap: $3000000 (EST. $3.0M)
  • Hard cap: $20000000 (EST. $20.0M)
  • Pre sale start 15 MAY 2018 END 25 MAY 2018
  • Public sale: START: 5JUNE 2018 - END 24 JUNE 2018
Soft Cap Distribution

  • 35% Development
  • 30% Marketing
  • 15% Infrastructure & software
  • 12% Legal
  • 8% Reserve
Hard Cap Distribution

  • 30% Marketing
  • 25% Fixed Monthly Allowance & Games
  • 20% Infrastructure & Software
  • 10% Development
  • 10% Reserve

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